Monday, February 21, 2011


by Michael Lukaszewski

Why is it that new people aren’t showing up to your church?

Your church wants to reach people, spread the Gospel, and to grow. So, why is it that new people aren’t showing up to your church like you hope and pray? Here are six possible reasons:

1. Your church isn’t for them. I know you think everyone is welcome at your church, but your service, environment and people communicate otherwise. Saying that you’re welcoming doesn’t mean that you’re welcoming.

2. You don’t expect guests. You’re greeters and ushers are helpful, but they are not prepped and on the look out for new people. You’re not ready to receive guests, because deep down inside, you don’t expect them.

3. You don’t acknowledge guests. When new people show up, they aren’t welcomed. In your preaching, you reference Bible stories assuming everyone knows what you are talking about. In discussing church business, you act like new people aren’t in the room.

4. You don’t advertise. There’s a reason that Coca-Cola and McDonalds advertise – even though they have billions of customers. There are strategic things you can do to get new people to come to church but, right now, you’re not doing any of them.

5. They haven’t been invited. Personal invitations are the #1 way new people end up at church, but you’re not challenging (or equipping!) your people to invite.

6. You’re not talking about what they care about. You’re talking about Bible stuff, church stuff, and Christian stuff, not the things that people struggle with in their daily lives. Maybe you’ve let the fear of “watering down the Gospel” keep you from talking practically, but not talking about what people want to know about is a sure fire way to keep people away.

Which one of those areas rings true for you? What would you add to this list?

Michael Lukaszewski Michael is the Lead Pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia. In 2005, he stepped out to start a brand new church in Cartersville. At its grand opening service, there were about 280 people that showed up. In 13 months, the church had grown to 900 people.

More from Michael Lukaszewski or visit Michael at

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