Thursday, May 20, 2010


Will Macini in his blog, The Clarity Coach shares 10 things he has learned from 1o years of visioneering. For more from will go to the CLARITY COACH link on our home page.
  • God still speaks
  • If your vision is not stunningly unique, you probably don’t have one
  • However clear the leader is, a surprising gap exists between the leader’s vision and the team’s clarity
  • Leaders emotionally substitute two things for real vision: 1) simplistic answers (copycat vision) or 2) busyness (more is more)
  • The easiest measure of sustained clarity is the ability to say “no” repeatedly, and feel good about it
  • Followers need vision because the future is not here yet and their activity today lacks meaning
  • The best way to know “what should be” is to do a better job knowing “what was,” “what is,” and “what could be”
  • Vision moves through people not paper
  • With a little training anyone can be an everyday visionary
  • Vision dripping is more important than vision casting (#visiondrip)


  1. I have mixed feelings about this. As a matter of fact, I'll say that right now I disagree on the 'stunningly unique' (though I am very open to change).

    I guess I should read more of his writing to think it through.

  2. I believe he was expressing himself in a bit of hyperbole to guard against those who simply try to clone someone's vision into their own context - where something that was once "stunningly unique" in the original becomes "stagnatingly mundane" in the rerun.
