To my faithful and patient subscribers:
Solomon once wisely wrote, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
I certainly relate to that observation. You have no doubt notice (if you're still visiting this blog) that I have had only 3 posts in two months. This has been the season for practicing being an outward-focused church not writing about it. It's also been a season of focus, consolidation, maintaining, re-visiting and just plain doing ministry (what Dr. James Glasse called "paying the rent.") If you want to see what that looks like, you can go to my in-house blog for the Church of God of Landiisville Being the Best Church for the Community.
As we enter the rhythm of summer, my focus is shifting back to this blog. Planned upcoming posts will include these topics:
"Rethink-Questions to Embed a Culture Shift"
"Evangelism and the Outward-Focused Church"
"Disciples or Members"
"Building Bridges to Our Unchurched Neighbors"
I also am open to suggestions of blogs or web sites with which you are familiar that might be worth linking to and/or reposting on this blog. Or maybe you want to offer a guest post from your experience. Feel free to send them to me at
Looking forward to renewing our conversation.
A thoughtful post from Ed Stezter – Steve We are likely familiar with
Jonah-a prophet of the Lord. Jonah lived in a time of relative prosperity
for the na...
6 years ago